piano soleil poster & vinyl design.

full piano soleil poster on the street
full piano soleil poster on the street


This was a two part project. In the first part we had to create a poster to advertise an artist's next representation of their music. In this case, Denis Gougeon, the composer and Melody Chan, the performer. Denis Gougeon is a Canadian musician known for his contemporary classical music compositions.
He has received numerous awards for his work, which often incorporates elements of modernism and experimentation. In the second part, we had to adapt the poster to a vinyl.

This concept aims to represent the piano composition itself and how it makes you feel. By combining the essence of the sun and energy of the composition. Giving a sense of the mood without having to hear it. The design approach is bold, impactful, and energetic, combining a collage, photography and playful typography.

circle from the poster


Since this composition represents raw energy, intense heat, radiance, and diffusion, I decided to focus on these words and find a way to feel them through visuals. The first layer of the poster is a collage meant to represent the piano in an abstract way. The other layers are part of a photograph of a light bulb, representing the radiation and heat of the sun. The colors are also there to represent that as a whole.

For the vinyl I had the idea to make it more graphic than the poster. Using the main element of the poster which is meant to be the sun and reworking the title and type using it as a sense of repetition and rhythm like in the composition. I still incorporated the more hands on approach that the poster had, by adding a part of it as the sticker on the vinyl itself.
collage used in the piano soleil poster
picture used in the piano soleil poster of a lightbulb
final digital poster
flat graphic of vinyl jacket
flat graphic of vinyl sleeve
picture of record player
animation of record spinning
picture of vinyl, sleeve, and jacket
picture of hands playing the piano
collage used in the piano soleil poster
picture used in the piano soleil poster of a lightbulb
final digital poster
flat graphic of vinyl jacket
flat graphic of vinyl sleeve
picture of record player
animation of record spinning
picture of vinyl, sleeve, and jacket
picture of hands playing the piano


In the end, throughout this process I managed to create rhythm and sound using only visuals and to adapt designs into other products. While also adding my own style to them.