vernissage poster design.

poster collage of vernissage poster design
poster collage of vernissage poster design


The point of this project was to create a poster advertising Dawson's graphic design vernissage for the end of the program.
We had to make sure that it spoke to designers and showed our ability to use type in an effective way.

This idea aims to represent the mindsets and point of the students' lives at the end of the semester. “Flip” in this case represents the flip of mindset after school and of our lives, as we are moving on to the next chapter. By combining type and a technicality to the concept. This design approach is striking, distinct and colourful.


Now, this was a very hard concept to represent, making the poster still legible once flipped was a very long process of trial and error.
 I wanted to make the message even more powerful by making it do what it was saying to make it more than a static poster.
flip animation of the word
picture of a mirrored version of the poster


tied first place faculty vote.

third place student vote.

original poster
flipped version of poster
final two posters


In the end, throughout this process, I have enjoyed working with typography in an interactive way, and creating a flat design that has movement and a purpose.
Also figuring out a way to design for my-self, and finding a way to represent how we will all feel at the end of the program and representing it with one word.